Sunday, May 15, 2011

My relationship with Facebook is love/hate, with most of the emphasis on hate. It can be pretty cool sometimes, but it comes with a lot of baggage.

I share only a very limited amount of my personal information on the site. It just doesn't seem safe at all. And now I think I have proof that Facebook gathers, receives, and shares
plenty of my personal information. Not that I really needed proof, since it's not really a secret, but still.

Anyway, here's the deal. The little spot on the side of the page that shows friend suggestions keeps offering Lena as a possible friend. I thought this was usually a result of having mutual 'friends.' But I ran through her list of Facebook friends and we don't appear to have a single Facebook friend in common.
So why the friend suggestion? I have to believe the only possible reason is all of our shared mutual history- addresses, credit info, names on bills, etc. None of that info is on Facebook, but I have to believe it's been assimilated somewhere and somehow for Facebook to use.
There is only one logical explanation: the Facebook corporate devils are planning to take over the world. Thus, I must enter virtual Facebook and defeat my profile at a game of Yahtzee.
(that's a South Park reference, so if you haven't seen the episode don't strain yourself trying to figure out the nonsense.)


Bad Bob said...

as always, beware of anything you put on's available to anyone.

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

Very interesting blog, Kevin.