Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Two Annoying Topics of Vastly Different Importance, Neither of Which I Can Do Anything About

except complain.

1) Motorists
a) Does anyone anywhere know the difference between a solid white line and a dotted white line, or what the difference means? I do, but I apparently am among the few, because I see plenty of folks crossing those solid white lines to change lanes every day, especially on S. Hurstbourne, on Dutchmans Lane, and Blankenbaker just off I-64.
b) Even more frustrating is the number of people at the Taylorsville Rd/Bardstown Rd intersection who do not know what the big 'NO LEFT TURN' sign means. That one shouldn't be tricky to figure out at all.

2) I was listening to a discussion on NPR today about estate taxes. This topic always annoys me because I generally agree with both sides. It's one of those problems that I believe will never have an adequate solution, and that bugs me.
a) I completely disagree with the term 'death tax.' The dead person isn't being taxed. They are dead. The person getting the inheritance is being taxed. They are not dead. So it's not a death tax.
b) But I do see plenty of value in being able to leave an inheritance, and I see what a bummer it is (or will be, if the estate tax is resumed) to see the government take such a huge chunk of that inheritance. And I recognize the problem of being assessed a real amount of cash tax on an inheritance that can be largely theoretical or tied up in a business that loses its value if liquidated to pay the tax.
c) But I am strongly opposed to vast amounts of inherited wealth. I'm anti-oligarchy and anti-royalty, whether real or de facto. It's un-American (in theory, but definitely not in practice).

The perfect solution would be a society with no estate tax but in which vast wealth was voluntarily and happily bequeathed to worthy charities rather than worthless Paris Hiltons, but that just isn't going to happen. So I think estate taxes are currently the best rotten solution.


Bad Bob said...

Traffic. One question I've always had is "Does anyone know what that big, wide, solid white line is for at stop signs or traffic lights?" I do,but I don't think anyone else does.

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

I agree. The reason Dad & I haven't accumulated vast amounts of wealth for you all to inherit is we feel it unAmerican. Do you buy that? I love the pictures at the top of your blog. Go, Baby, Go. Derby Time is here.