1)Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia certainly gives me confidence that our government can solve the big issues of the day. I am glad he has a full grasp of the issues at hand. I just watched the video of his comments about the possibility of Guam capsizing. The only two words I can think of to describe it are 'painfully stupid.' It really hurt to watch someone say something so dumb. And with his illness and slowed speech the build-up to the ignorance kind of reminded me of "The Office."

But every day at least one very unclever person says "Yeah, right. What's so good about it?" or something along those lines.
Someday I'm going to respond "Well f you, too."
3)The economist on "The Diane Rehm Show" today said "Credit is literally our lifeblood."
After 13 hours it still bothers me. Blood is literally our life's blood.
It literally drives me up a wall when people say that.
(Hey, it's dusty up here. I never noticed that from down on the floor.)
Bonus Dumb Thing Number 4: I nominate myself for not being able to figure out how to keep my text together. I fiddled with it a while but the first two words of each of the first two paragraphs are still separated by the pictures.
I heard the Guam comment this morning and couldn't believe it. And Good morning to you.
I've never been able to get my text to work around the pictures I post. I know there's an easy way, but Easy Bob hasn't figured it out yet.
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