Interviews with athletes are incredibly dull. They aren't scripted, but they might as well be.
Personally, I don't think I'd be able to resist screwing with the interviewer. I'd like to win a big game just for the chance to do that. Here's how the interview would go if I were the star player of, say, the Butler Bulldogs:
Q: First, congratulations on your trip back home to Indianapolis for the Final Four. It must be quite a thrill.
Me: It sucks, really. I mean, I love that we're going to the Final Four, but we live in Indianapolis. Why can't it be in San Antonio this year, or Albuquerque, or some other cool place? Oh, whoopie, we get to go to Indy. We were going there anyway.
Q: When you were slogging through those hard practices back in November did you have any idea you would have such a special season?
Me: Not really. I love these guys, you know, but I didn't think we'd be any good. Seriously, if any of us were any good wouldn't we have gone to Duke or Carolina or Kansas or Kentucky, or some school like that?
Q: Most people doubted you had a chance in this game. But your coach believed in you. How much did that help?
Me: Not much, really. I mean, Coach said we could win, but he sort of has to say stuff like that. I figured we'd get killed.
Q: Your center got in early foul trouble last night. How worried were you when he went out?
Me: Very. I was very worried. Have you seen our backup center?
He sucks.
Q: You were trailing by five late in the game. Did you think you had a shot then?
Me: No.
Q: What was going through your mind before you hit that big shot to win the game?
Me: I was wondering if my girlfriend missed me, or if she was cheating on me while I was out of town. I don't really trust her. But I figured we'd already made it to the regional finals, which is cool, so when I get back to Indy I'm gonna get a new girlfriend anyway. Sort of a BMOC upgrade, you know?
I would also like to be a local field reporter during a winter storm watch.
What's it like out there, Kevin?
Cold as hell, buddy. I was scheduled to be off tonight, and instead you bozos have got me standing out on a street corner in sub-freezing weather to watch for snow flakes. You do realize most of our viewers have windows, don't you? If they want to see the snow- if it snows- they can just look outside.
You want a report? Okay, I'll give you a report. The ground is dry. There's a car behind me. There it goes around the corner...wait for it, wait for it... oh, it didn't slide or skid at all. You wanna know why? It's not snowing.
Back to you in the studio. Your warm, damn studio with your coffee and your...
...a little bit more, just because it was fun.
"Yeah, going to the Final Four really means a lot to us. But we're especially happy for Coach. I know he wants a higher-paying, higher-profile job in one of the major conferences, and now I'm sure he'll get it. In fact, I'd be shocked if he was still our coach this time next month."
"Hell yes we're just happy to be there. I don't figure we have much of a chance next week, but I bet there's all kinds of cool swag. I need a new iPod."
Now that's the kine of reporting I'd tune in to see.
This is something else I think about all the time.
I'd tune in ALL the time, for sure.
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