Saturday, March 27, 2010


I can't believe I went all season without any comments on UK basketball. So here are a few thoughts now that the Wildcats' season is over.
To the extent I still care- which is a fair amount, but my Wildcats basketball passion has waned gradually over the last 15 years or so (and been replaced by a passion for Wildcats football. I must be a glutton for punishment) - this was a fun but frustrating season. The incredible talent was fun to watch, but except for Patterson they were all underclassmen and therefore prone to boneheadedness and inconsistency.
I really liked this team. Here are my thoughts on some players:
Patterson: He'll be a solid pro for quite a few years, though never a star and probably rarely a starter. But a good variety of skills and great attitude will keep him in that league I never watch for a long time.
Wall: Wow.
Cousins: Wow, again. He and Wall will be on more than a few NBA All-Star teams.
Perry Stevenson: I think I'll miss you most of all, Scarecrow. Minimal talent but great post-game quotes. What a funny guy.

Bledsoe: I would imagine he'll be back. He has a lot to learn. His brilliant flashes were exceptional- both in their degree of brilliance and in the sense that they were exceptions, not the rule. His frequent 'chucker' mentality and turnovers were the primary reason I was lukewarm all year about this team's chances of winning a title. I expect him to come back next year, and still be frustratingly inconsistent. But his junior year will be great, and then he'll go to the NBA.
Orton: He'll be very good next year and gone the next to a nice NBA career.
Miller: He shows all the signs of a guy who will show infrequent flashes of brilliance all through four years of college and then disappear to Europe.
Liggins: see Miller.

Overall, this was the best UK team since 2003. Or possibly 2004-they were pretty good too. Judging from comments sections on KSR and the Herald Leader, the fans all year seemed to think it was the best UK team since '98, or maybe '96, but in my opinion the 2003 team would have beat them 7 out of 10 (and not because this year's team was only 12 years old then. That 2003 team was fantastic and would have won a title if Bogans hadn't gotten hurt in the 3rd round).

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