Monday, September 28, 2009

"Water For Elephants" was very good. Thanks to my wonderful parents for the recommendation (and loan of the book).

It was a great story. The only problem I had was with one of the blurbs on the back cover. It ruined it a bit for me (okay, not 'ruined' just put a damper on it). The publishers should have selected a non-spoiler blurb. But I liked it.


Mark said...

Why do publishers do that?

"By the time Rosco is wrongly executed for the crime he didn't commit in the last chapter, you'll see why Jong is considered the finest romantic thriller author ever!" --Stephen King

OK, I made up that example, but I think it's fairly representative.

Mark said...

Oh, and ever worse are movie reviews with lines like, "There is a great plot twist in the second half that I won’t spoil here; I’ll just say that it’s like ‘The Sixth Sense’ in that you realize that certain characters aren’t even real people.’” OK, thanks for that, Mr. Reviewer.

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

Glad you liked it, Kev. I thought this book had a truly good ending to it - one I didn't see coming. I liked it a lot, too.