Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I finished "Lonesome Dove" this evening. It was better than I expected and not as good as I had hoped.

I put off reading it for several years because it did not seem too appealing to me, but Dad and quite a few other people recommended it. So my own preconception led to my low expectations, and others' high opinions led to the high hopes.

It was a good story and well-written, and I enjoyed it.

I do have to wonder about Dad, though. I sat in his living room a couple of weeks ago saying I'd just read five Cormac McCarthy novels that were all good but very depressing, and I needed a change-of-pace. And so Dad recommends yet another cowboy novel that is good but depressing.


Mark said...

If I read any compelling, uplifting novels that lack cowboys, I'll let you know.

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

Regarding Dad, you have to remember that at dinner one night, he was describing The Shawshank Redemption as a "feel good" movie. We women strongly disagreed with that description, but he stuck by his view. Go figure. And I might add, you sure can read a book quickly.