One of the best pieces of advice I've ever heard is (I'll use quotation marks, but due to my faulty memory I am more likely paraphrasing) "Weather should be either celebrated or ignored. Complaining about the weather is the most egregious waste of time imaginable."
So to you weirdo snow-celebrators: congratulations.
To you snow complainers: Tough. Get over it.
As for me, I'm going to ignore it.
We'll see how much ignoring you're doing when you're scraping those windows tomorrow morning.
I changed the bulk of this post after finding the Wave Live Blog. I thought it was funnier than my original commentary, and I wanted to keep the entry short.
I read some of the comments on the blog, too. "Hey John B., much snow will I get on my driveway in Waddy Peytona?" It must be the same person who called and asked if Ritchie Farmer was going to play and how many points he'd get.
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