Yesterday afternoon I cruised Royal Ave. off Eastern Pkwy. and took a look at the 10-foot rabbit carved from a tree.
I obtained this picture through a Google search. I didn't stop for a photograph yesterday because getting a good angle required walking into the yard, and I don't like doing such things. I'm sure plenty of people do, though. You can't sculpt a monster bunny in your front yard and not expect some pedestrian traffic.
I don't think it's exactly 10 feet though. Only the Messiah Rabbit is exactly 10 feet.
According to legend, the Messiah Rabbit is the savior who will one day avenge the bunnies. He's starred in a few of my nightmares- a monstrous, fire-breathing rabbit who calls me to task for a certain lawn mower accident which occurred a few years ago.
I suppose the only thing that could stop him might be the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.
"I've got a theory, it could be bunnies.........bunnies aren't just cute like everyone supposes. They got them floppy ears and twitchy little noses. And what's with all the carrots? What do they need such good eye sight for anyway? Bunnies, bunnies, it must be bunnies!!!! Or maybe midgets."
It's getting eerie
What's this cheery singing all about?
This bunny is only a little larger than our first bunny Checkers. But a more important point - With a large bunny permanently situated on your lawn - cute as he is - he just wouldn't blend with future Christmas decorations. It would be like having Santa flying over the manger scene. You could work wonders with him at Easter. But Christmas...It's going to present a problem for these folks. Unless they used to live on Belmar..for those of you who remember the house I'm referring to.
Some antlers and a giant candy cane in his paws would do the trick. Or not, because then he'd be a Christmas jackalope. I've convinced lots of people that jackalopes exist, by the way. No wonder creationism has so many believers.
Oh, and if you google for Christmas decorating ideas, "christmas bunnies" will probably yield some good ideas, albeit of the adult entertainment variety.
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