I wrote to Donna Brazile again. My emailed message to her was basically what I wrote below (no, not the stuff about napkins and James Garner). I was much nicer this time, but also more direct. I said:
I was upset by the fact that a respected national figure such as yourself would further the notion that atheists are pariahs and that elected officials and aspirants to elected office should avoid association with people who believe in a secular society.
Imagine if, instead of atheists, the group backing Kay Hagan had been Rainbow/Push, GLAAD, the Catholic League, or NOW. I believe the entire tone of your exchange with Wolf Blitzer and Bill Bennett would have been different.
She replied:
I said no such thing.Please do not put words in my mouth.
I feel like a basketball coach complaining to a referee. I think she blew the call, and she says she got it right. But maybe, thanks to my working the refs, one of those calls will go our way.
Thanks, Brian. That link to the youtube video has provided me with a lot of entertainment.
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