I don't actually think that's true. Western Civilization collapsed 40 years ago. But it's no big deal. Nobody noticed.
I'm actually just passing time while I stay up to late watching a suprisingly close USC-OSU football game. No, not that OSU. Sorry, Buckeyes, you already had your chance. But Oregon State is giving USC a heck of a game.
I won't see it end, though. I'm too sleepy. I do, however, have 5 minutes or so to spare. That should be enough to diagnose some economic woes.
The chutzpah of the Bush administration continually amazes me. Administration officials have spent two solid years saying the economy is fine. There might be some minor difficulties, some corrections, some struggles, they say, but the fundamentals are fine. They were still saying this two weeks ago. Then they suddenly need $700 billion. And they need it right away, no time for arguments. Just trust them.
Excuse me, but even if they had done something to earn my trust over the last 8 years, I'd still hesitate to fork over that kind of cash. And I'm sure as heck not eager to do it for someone who at this time last month still didn't seem to recognize there was a problem.
I did some math on that 7 hundred gabizillionjillion dollars. That's a commitment of well over $2,000 per person in this country. Nearly $10 thousand if you're a family of 4. I don't know a heck of a lot about economics, but I feel fairly confident that if I had a wife and two kids, and the president was telling me directly that my choice was to either use that $10,000 as I saw fit, or I could use it to bail out some big corporations with tax havens God-knows-where, I would not hesitate to tell him those corporations could go take a flying leap. I'd take my chances keeping the 10 grand in my own pocket.
Hmm. I had my boys in accounting run the numbers a couple of times, and they get $23.00 per person. But then again, they haven't had the smarts to find someone who can pay them more than I do.
D'oh!! You were right. I didn't have enough zeroes.
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