Thursday, May 15, 2008

Two unrelated topics...

1) May 25 is Towel Day! If you care to join in a fun tribute to Douglas Adams, check here for info:

I'm not sure I'd be interested in carrying a towel around all day, myself. I think I'd get tired of all the explanations.

2) My highly scientific analysis leads me to predict a John McCain presidency.

Like any good weather shaman, I reserve the right to change my forecast. But at the moment I predict 294 electoral votes for McCain.


Brian said...

You need to link your websites for lazy people like me who get a headache at the thought of copying and pasteing into the browser. This act alone has driven up health insurance costs billions of dollars because of carpel tunnel (sp?)

Brian said...

also, the 25th being a Sunday, I think it would be easy. Maybe I'll play golf all day with a golf towel. Maybe I'll take pictures of myself in different locations with my towel.