I wore a purple shirt today for no particular reason. Well, I thought it looked nice, and it was clean, so really I guess I wore it for two reasons.
Early in the day someone passing on the stairwell commented upon my purple. She also was wearing purple, so I thought it was one of those stupid 'Kevin got the memo' comments I always hear when two people wear similar clothes.
Then I noticed a few others wearing purple. And people kept directing comments to me in tones indicating camaraderie.
Still, though I thought it odd that so many people were wearing purple I didn't think much of it.
Finally, just a few minutes ago I logged into Facebook to check up on statuses and saw some status updates which referenced the wearing of purple. So then I Googled it and found out about Spirit Day.
But I was clueless the whole time it mattered- sort of like wearing green on March 17 and not knowing it is St. Patrick's Day. But I'm certainly fine with it, and hope I looked like the caring, supportive person I strive to be, and not the clueless, out-of-the-loop one which I so often am.
Glad you strive to be caring and supportive. That's what happens when you don't watch t.v. Liked the blog.
I like being clueless and out-of-the-loop. It takes the pressure off.
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