Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Pew Forum survey regarding religious knowledge was very interesting. I didn't hear this on NPR, but apparently 'liking' groups eventually has advantages after all, because I got a helpful link via Facebook.

Two very interesting results:
1)Atheists and agnostics knew more about religion than any other groups. Jewish and Mormon respondents were close behind.
2)The survey asked a few general knowledge questions along with the questions about religion. People who defined themselves as not very religious scored higher on the general knowledge questions.

As always with these surveys, I was amazed by the overall ignorance. Most glaring to me was the high percentage of people who did not know Joe Biden was Vice President, but some of the other results were scary, too.

Most of the answers were multiple choice. I knew all of the answers even without the choice, except one. I was unfamiliar with Maimonides, but I would have correctly guessed 'Jewish' on the multiple choice.
And now I've done the requisite Wikipedia study and I'm familiar with him, too.

Here is the article about the results.

This is the list of questions, with complete wording.


Brian said...

Funny...I just finished reading this article before I read your blog.

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

I've not gone to these sites yet, but Keith Oberman touched on them last night on his show, so I heard a little about the results there. Interesting.