Wednesday, September 22, 2010

As my loyal readers (all 5 of you) know, my golf game fell apart a while back. I lost my swing and tried just about everything to find it again, I even put my swing's picture on a milk carton...

but with no luck.
It was miserable. I was never a long hitter, but from consistent 230-yard drives and comfortable 150-yard six irons , I fell all the way to the point where I could hardly hit anything 150.

I basically quit playing for almost 2 years. But knowing I was going on a golf trip last week, I worked pretty hard for about 3 weeks. I improved enough to get by. My 100-yard club improved from a 7-iron to a 9, and my 150-yard club improved from a 3-wood to a 4-iron. Not good, but at least I could get around a course.

Then yesterday evening- my first Tuesday with no scheduled softball since pre-Derby- I wandered over to the shag field at Seneca and hit a few balls. I don't precisely know what I changed, but I made some incredible improvements on my distance.
My first dozen or so balls were not hit particularly well at all, then I suddenly started hitting them longer and reasonably straight. I hit my 6, 7, and 8 irons, and found I had suddenly added about 30 yards to the distance of each.

Now I guess I'm ready for winter and the loss of my swing again.

1 comment:

Bad Bob said...

As one of your five faithful readers I'm glad you found your golf swing.....even if you do lose it over the winter. At least you know it's still there somewhere.