Resident hoops prognosticator Hamlet presents his NCAA tournament tips:
Not so my lord; I am too much i' the sun.
Overly-touted teams to avoid:
The (point guard) play's the thing
And Kansas has a great one. As does Kentucky. And it's why I picked Maryland into the Sweet Sixteen. And it's why I'm not too excited about West Virginia.
The heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, — 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd.
Upset specials:
*The low-down dirty snitches from Tennessee could very possibly advance to next week's rounds.
*As could both teams from Mormon country- BYU and Utah State.
...die two months ago, and not forgotten yet? Then there's hope a great man's memory may outlive his life half a year.
A possible second round UK opponent, the Texas Longhorns, frighten me tremendously. They were ranked 1st in January, after all, and even though I've watched them lately and they look atrocious, I'm scared. So Wake Forest will probably be in the Sweet 16
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Oops, sorry. I don't know how that Rick Pitino/Karen Sypher reference got in here.
How now! a rat?
Mike Krzyzewski's Blue Devils received their usual cakewalk. If Louisville wins Friday and I have to cheer for them Sunday, they better win. I don't want to pull for the filthy Cards and get nothing out of it.
I cannot live to hear the news from England;
But I do prophesy the election lights
Final Four:
*Kansas State
Champion: Kansas over Kentucky
The rest is silence.
What's up with the back-to-back Shakespeare-themed posts, you ask? Heck if I know.
Is that James Marsters (Spike)?
Now this was a basketball blog I enjoyed!
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