Mr. Mutallab, do you still maintain your innocence?
Yes, sir.
You have no idea how the explosive material got in your underpants?
No, sir.
When you dressed on the morning of December 25th, did you don the underpants yourself, or did someone put them on for you?
I put them on myself.
Did anyone ask you to carry anything in your underpants?
No, sir.
Did you leave your underpants unattended at any point after you put them on?
No, sir. Oh, wait, yes, yes I did. Someone might have tampered with them at the Starbuck's in the Amsterdam airport.
Well, I took my underpants off for awhile while I drank my coffee and read the paper, you know?
I see. And did you notice anything unusual while you were sans underpants?
Yeah, these little guys were running around, singing a song, but I didn't think anything about it at the time.

Search for underpants, today
We won't stop until we have underpants
Yum yum yummy yum yay
Time to go to work, work all day
Search for underpants today
step 1. steal underpants step 2. .........
_____, step 3, profit.
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