Tuesday, October 6, 2009

One of Those Days

Today I...
*started my day with a gulp of spoiled milk,
*misplaced my work badge, which I need to swipe to get in the building,
*had a generally bad day at work with numerous problems cropping up,
*broke a glass in the kitchen sink.
*ruined my gourmet dinner (actually, burned my grilled cheese sandwich because I was busy picking glass shards out of the sink), and
*tried three times to comment on Mom's blog, but for some reason I can not. Perhaps I'll try again later.

Plus the rain is no fun. And of course my bathroom light burned out.

Finally, after I ate my dinner of burned grilled cheese, I was ready to sit and read and move as little as possible- because I was operating on the theory that if I don't move the rest of the day nothing else will go wrong.
But I sat about 3 minutes before remembering I'd left my rent check in the car and I really needed to mail it today. So I had to go do that.

The postman delivered
A "past due" bill notice
The alarm clock rang two hours late
The garbage man left all the trash
On the sidewalk
And the hinges fell off of the gate
And this morning at breakfast
I spilled all the coffee
And I opened the door on my knee
But the last thing I needed
The first thing this morning
Was to have you walk out on me
-Willie Nelson, "The Last Thing I Needed First Thing This Morning"

Now I'm back and resuming the 'do nothing' plan. I'll finish reading "The Bourne Identity" tonight and make a start on something else. I think I'll try "Altered Carbon" by Richard K. Morgan. I picked it up at Half-Price Books last week. It looks interesting.

I could get on the stationary bike, but I'm afraid I'll wreck.


Mary Lynn's Blog said...

But your mom thinks you're a handsome devil. Now...feel better?

Bad Bob said...

Recognized Willie Nelson's song after the first two lines. I wouldn't go to Keeneland this week.