As far back as I can remember, I have suffered frequent bouts of insomnia. Thankfully, they've been much less frequent over the last year or two. Nights of unexplainable insomnia have become almost non-existent; I have nights that take a long time to get to sleep, but they are usually the nights I was out at the ballfield until 11 and stopped at White Castle on the way home. So those are understandable.
Sunday night, though, was awful. I tossed and turned until 1 a.m., got up and tried to read some but soon felt I could try to sleep again. And tried again and then got up at 2:30 and watched some television and then went to bed at 3:15 and tossed and turned and never slept. Going in to work with no sleep was miserable.
Here's something that happened Monday afternoon that makes me think I might have been a bit delirious: I saw a package of Monet postcards on a co-worker's desk, and then a short time later I heard Eddie Money on the radio. The rest of the afternoon I had periodic fits of near-giggles over the idea of an impressionist rocker named Eddie Monet.
By the time I woke up this morning it didn't seem nearly as funny.
Of course, I was also in a foul mood when I awoke this morning because I had injured myself during the night.
I was sleeping on my right side and my right hand had fallen asleep under the weight of my body. I wasn't aware of this until I rolled over, caught my hand in the covers, and must have bent it incredibly far before I felt anything wrong. And then what felt wrong was the incredible pain in my hand. My right pinkie finger is pretty well sprained and swollen around the lower knuckle. Ouch ouch ouch.
I don't suppose the AMA has ever done a study, but I'd bet it is fairly rare to sprain something while asleep in bed.
(It ain't broke, it's just spraint)
As Steven Wright said when asked if he slept well, "No, I made a few mistakes."
I know now that I go to bed at the same time every night, I sleep much better. On the nights I change my "go to bed time" I don't sleep as well.
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