The REAL birthday season is in full swing.
As each calender year ends, newspapers, magazines, and tv programs fill up with retrospectives. It seems appropriate to do the same as my own 38th full year ends.
Here are some of my year's highlights.
Best book I read in the past year: City of Thieves.
Best movie I saw in a theatre: The Dark Knight.
Only movie I saw in a theatre: The Dark Knight.
Worst movie I saw in a theatre: The Dark Knight.
Favorite television series of the year: Chuck (I know, it surprises me, too).
Best meal: the first chili of the fall. I don't remember it, exactly, but the first chili of the fall is always the best meal of the year.

Most memorable weather: Windstorm Ike made for one fascinating day and one heck of a mess.
Neatest day: Thursday of the ice storm. My ice-coated neighborhood was beautiful and the damage was quite impressive. I took a long walk that afternoon- it was very neat, and probably very stupid since I was walking on solid sheets of ice and in constant danger from the frequent falling of tree branches. Still, though..
Three things I learned this year:
1) Don't try to 'tough it out' when the power goes out in January. 20 degree homes are not really fit for human habitation.
2) An extended hiatus from golf leads to lots more free time and a larger bank account.
3) Every married person on the planet
___ a)assumes I must be miserable because I live alone,
and b)wants to fix me up with a girl they know,
and c)thinks we'd really hit it off,
and d)apparently believes that if I don't have a girlfriend/wife/whatever it must be because I'm incapable of attaining one without their personal assistance.
Sorry. That's been getting a little aggravating lately.
I weigh 11 pounds less than I did on my 37th birthday. So barring a binge-eating episode of historic proportions, when my birthday arrives in a couple of days there will be about 5% less of me than there was last year.
Biggest news events of Kevin's 38th consecutive year on planet earth:
*) Obama's election.
*) The Large Hadron Collider failed to destroy the earth.
*) The monumentally greedy were finally exposed as con artists. We all pay the fine.
*) Michael Phelps' 8 gold medals proved that smoking pot was a great way to toughen up the lungs in preparation for Beijing's pollution.
*) Militants kill nearly 200 in Mumbai. Lots of Americans learn Bombay is now Mumbai.
*) The post-election protests in Iran.
Three words I would love to work into a conversation in the upcoming year:
*metagrobolize: to mystify
*adiaphoristic: theologically indifferent
*obambulate: to walk around or wander
There is a girl at work I would like to set you up with. I think you two would really hit it off. She's a metagrobolizer, very adiaphoristic and a bit of an obambulator. And there is 5% more of her right now than this time last year.
I don't care who you are, that's funny!
I loved this! And the fact that your friends want to fix you up speaks very highly of their opinion of you. I think you should check out the girl Brian works with. Sounds like your type.
7/6/09 Happy Birthday Kevin. You are part of a great family.
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