Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Birthday to Mark, and then other, much less important stuff

Brother, I wish you a very happy 40th birthday.

You are one amazingly hoopy frood, Mark. You are such a good dad and all-around decent person, and you are a really cool guy who is great fun to hang out with. What more could a brother ask for?

Plus you have an incredible wife and wonderful kids, so what's not to like?

(I haven't read any Hitchhikers' stories in a long time and I have no idea why the 'hoopy frood' phrase popped into my head, but it seemed appropriate.)

Softball doubleheader info very quickly, then a quick bite to eat because I've just realized I'm very hungry, then bed:

We won both games, which is great.

Two more injuries, which is getting ridiculous, and also scary.

Jim couldn't play because he has somehow injured his knee without doing anything. It sucks to be old, I guess. I wouldn't know, though, because on my first swing after my 38th birthday I hit a triple.

Then tonight our shortstop collided with our left fielder and took a very frightening knee to the head. He left the game obviously concussed. (****I think he's okay, see below****)
At least it gave me another chance to show how very young I am. I played one inning at shortstop, started a double play to get the first two outs, then threw the next guy out at first. As a board member, I intend to do everything in my power to not play shortstop again so that my stat line at the position reads: one inning, three assists, zero errors.

Tomorrow has all the makings of a very ugly night. We play a tough opponent and will again be lacking lots of quality players. As a board member, all season I've been prepared to-and felt obligated to try to- get guys playing time at my expense. But instead we are struggling to field a team and I find myself playing three positions in one game as a result of constant juggling.

____ ***I posted this and then 5 minutes later realized I should provide at least as much info as possible on the concussed player: Jimmy stayed on the bench with ice until the game ended, then immediately left with his wife and kids to get himself checked out. I'd guess he will be fine but I plan on calling him tomorrow morning to check.
It was an ugly play on a shallow fly ball, and I feel sure it wouldn't have happened if I had been at third base as usual instead of first base. Neither fielder called the other off because neither was sure they had it, so they both kept going for it. Whenever I see that situation-and it happens quite a lot- I look and see who has the best shot and call the other off myself. But nobody said a word tonight.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Thanks. And re: Jimmy-- Belgium, man!