Monday, March 30, 2009

Procrastination and Fear of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

On perhaps five occasions over the course of a year or so, I made a mental note to buy myself a first aid kit. It seemed like a good idea because the extent of my first aid preparedness was "I think I might have a bandaid in my golf bag, or maybe my softball bag. Or maybe there are a couple in my glove compartment."

Then I was slicing vegetables for dinner and had a scary near-miss. When I put the knife on the counter and turned to the sink, I somehow elbowed the knife in just the right way to send it catapulting into the air. My extreme dexterity allowed me to maneuver my feet from where they originally were- far removed from harm's way- and to a spot approximately 1 inch from where the knife landed. It landed sharp-side down, leaving a very noticeable gouge in the kitchen floor.

I again resolved to purchase a first aid kit as soon as possible.

So yesterday- approximately six weeks since that incident- I finally bought one. Now I can't shake the fear that since I bought it, I'll probably need it soon.


Brian said...

If you sever your pinky toe, make sure put ice in a Cracker Jack box to keep it cold. That is the only way to save it. And make sure Kramer's driving the bus to the hospital.

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

Keep that phone handy for dialing 911. I hope you haven't jinxed yourself.