Sunday, November 16, 2008

Glass half-empty

No muddy hike for me in this weather, so I amused myself this morning by reading the ranting comments on the kentuckysportsradio blog.

One optimist posted a link to the site, which ranks Kentucky's incoming class at #25. Big news, since I can't remember the last time UK had a top 25 class.

Unfortunately, there are nine SEC schools in the top 24. Kentucky's class is ranked ahead of only Ole Miss (50) and Vanderbilt (64).

I would say it's time to start a petition to join the Big East Conference, but if the Cats played on Thursdays I'd have to miss Earl and The Office.

1 comment:

Brian said...

I scored a 76 on your religion test. Not bad for an atheist...but not good for a guy who spent 13 years in catholic school.