Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Oops, I think I upset a stupid, racist nut job.

Some of you may recall that I have previously mentioned a certain make-up-caked, bigoted colleague who likes to use company email to force her God upon me. Plus she is unhealthily attracted to cats.

Today during a private discussion about the Democratic Convention, I was expressing the opinion that people who would switch allegiances from Hillary Clinton straight to John McCain made no sense, because Clinton's and Obama's positions on virtually every issue are nearly identical to each other, but far-removed from McCain's.

The bigoted crazy cat lady must have been eavesdropping, because she chimed in with "That's what I'm doing! I was gonna vote for Hillary but now I'm picking McCain."

And I said (to the person with whom I was having the original conversation, but very loudly) "Like I said. People who'd do that are idiots."

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