Monday, August 25, 2008

Creationist idiots

Strolling through the office today, I happened to notice a dvd sitting on a coworker's desk. The title was "Darwin's Deadly Legacy."

I was curious, so I came home and checked up on it. I found it on youtube in 7 installments, and managed to make it through 2 full installments before my violent retching forced me to call EMS for assistance.

Okay, that's an exaggeration, but it really is obscenely stupid. The jackasses who created this idiocy basically link Darwin's theories to Hitler and the Holocaust, and all sorts of other 20th century ills.


The main argument seems to be that Hitler, and robber-barons, and others are all Social Darwinists who used 'survival of the fittest' to justify their crimes.

As far as I can tell, they conveniently don't address the fact that the scientific theory of evolution has ZERO relation to social Darwinism. In fact, the social theory they condemn and deem to be a result of Darwin's theory is actually the social behavior espoused and commonly associated with the right wing reactionaries they support.

To be fair, they might address this shortcoming later in the program-though I saw enough to know that if they did address it, it would be in a completely moronic way which made no sense.

I've made a mental note to limit my conversations with the above-mentioned coworker to the areas of weather and sports.

1 comment:

Brian said...

You shouldn't discuss weather and sports with this person either. The weather is caused by god's state of emotions and everyone knows god only pulls for the Padres, St. Louis Cardinals & New Orleans Saints. He was so pissed off with the Saints one season, he tried to demolish the place! Now that is a rabid fan!