I had a nice long walk tonight, then stayed home and relaxed. After that got boring, I tried to see how angry I oould get by googling "some people actually think we're descended from monkeys!"
I thought the search should turn up some sufficiently moronic comments on discussion boards.
I found a delightful page, http://www.exposingmysteries.org/EN_C2-3.html.
It's a neat little essay entitled "The Simple Step for a Person Becoming Stupidity," the point of which seems to be that our rationality causes us to mislead ourselves away from God.
I suppose I could paraphrase it like this: "Stop using your God-given brain and start believing in God, darn it!"
Anyway, what really fascinated me was that the article was first published in Chinese, then translated into English. So it has really cool phrasing, like the samples below.
"You may guess: among those four monkey-men, who firstly shout out "Turn around!" this kind of watchword? By the end of this article, you will get some hints for this picture."
"interpersonal relationship has certain impact on people. By comparison with animals, interpersonal relationship has so strong influence upon everybody. We never see a monkey doing suicide because of being humiliated by other monkeys."
" children are indoctrinated with the religious beliefs of atheism, materialism, and evolutionism from their early ages, and then those concepts become the backbone of their worldviews. When they encounter with the Bible and the Gospel, they may feel difficult to give up their traditional views for believing in Jesus."
A brief program note. I'm not really making fun of the language. I just found it fascinating to see an evangelical message translated from a foreign language into English, rather than the reverse as I would usually expect.
Way to go, America! We've done such a good job of 'Americanizing' China that they're now trying to convert us to Christianity. U-S-A! U-S-A!
One more, just to give Brian something to think about, you Mr. Smarty-pants Science Guy. I bet you don't have an answer for this one, do you? Huh? Huh?
"First, behold, the universe and the solar system were not generated by a great explosion; because the explosion can only cause chaos, and it is unable to form an order of the natural environment. If you do not believe that, you may try a test: make a great explosion in a forest, see if it produces a beautiful park or residential community or a block for business. The answer only is: the explosion just destroyed original order and natural form."
Actually, I refuted that one yesterday. I blew up 12 tons of TNT in Cherokee Park. It's now Cherokee Office Park.
MMMM...SMARTIES pants! I've seen creationists try that argument about an explosion causing only chaos, as well as the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics refuting evolution. They seem to forget the teency weency little item known as THE SUN! I also recommend finding "Peanut Butter:The Atheists Nightmare" on YouTube. Funny stuff. Actually, an explosion would set fire to a forest...and it is a fact many species of pine cannot reproduce unless the cone (seed) is burned.
not to mention that is a straw man argument. I dare you to find one evolutionary biologist who says we descended from monkeys! I also love the even dumber statement of "evolution is the theory we descended from rocks or the universe came from nothing."
thanks for ticking me off (no, really, thanks).
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