Lots of softball on a sore toe? Sounds like a disgusting sandwich. Maybe softball on a soretoe bun.
Anyway, I smashed my right big toe pretty good last Tuesday night. How? Cornhole injury, of course. It's a dangerous game. Actually, I was playing in our cornhole league tournament and there was a smelly garbage can nearby. It had rained the night before, so rainwater made it very heavy and the garbage was pungent. I was dragging it away so we couldn't smell it and I bounced or slammed onto my foot. Ouch. Smashed right onto my toenail, and the toe bled a lot.
I cleaned it decently while my teammate and opponents waited patiently, then came back and finished up the last two games of our best-of-three match. We won. Then we advanced to the next round, lost 2 games quickly, played again and won 2 straight, then again and lost 2 straight, so we were eliminated. I could use the fact that I had to play 8 games on a smashed toe as an excuse, but the 4 games we won Tuesday were more than we won in all of July.
I kept my injury clean, I thought, and even bathed it Betadine a couple of times, but by Friday I could tell it was infected. The two softball games I played Friday night were fun- big, big wins both!- but painful.
Saturday afternoon I went to an immediate care center. The doctor said 'yep, that's infected' and I received a tetanus shot and a prescription for antibiotics. I don't like tetanus shots.
Two more softball games Sunday-both wins again!- another win Monday night, two more wins last night! ( Lots of exclamation marks because it's a lot of wins.) All painful at times but fun, and even with all that softball my toe seems to be improving.
I tried to keep it wrapped as instructed, but seriously, have you ever tried to wrap a bandage around your toe and then put on shoes? I think it was doing more harm than good. Cleaning 3 times a day should take care of it, anyway, and it is getting better.
The weekend lineup is more tournament games. Minimum 3 games, maximum 7 on Friday and Sunday combined. Friday we are in the winner's bracket final so we'll play at least 2, and could play as many as 3. Sunday we're still alive but would have to win 4 straight without a loss.
I'm especially looking forward to Friday night. Our team has 5 current or former Yogis, and the team we play first has the same number. The 10 of us have all played a lot of ball together and like each other, so I think it will be a lot of fun. It's cool that both teams made it to the winner's bracket final.
Therefore, this 80 degree weekend will see no golf from me. I could play Saturday but I think I'll skip it with the hope of wearing myself out with softball winning streaks.
Glad your toe's getting better. I would have thought you'd have to take off a week or two for it to get better. I'm sure it would have helped it bet better quicker! Good Luck in your games.
wow, that's a lot of softball. hope the toesey woesey continues to heel.
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