Thursday, February 24, 2011

Almost that time of year again...

The Yogis softball banquet last weekend was fun, as usual.
As is customary, we used a brief amount of time pre-party to take care of some business and give out awards. Among the decisions is where and when to play. This season looks like Monday nights at the Lyndon Elks, and Wednesdays at St. Martha.
I regretfully said no to a Tuesday night cornhole league. There will be numerous Yogis playing in it since this is the first year in at least a decade and a half that we won't be playing softball on Tuesdays. But as I'm playing in another softball league on Sundays, I thought it best not to commit myself to 4 nights in a row.
Honestly, I'd prefer two nights of softball and one night of cornhole. However, I reasoned that at this point my softball-playing years are much more limited than my cornhole-playing years. I'll have plenty of time for cornhole when I'm even older and more decrepit than I am now.

1 comment:

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

sounds like you made a wise decision. Maybe you could sub in the cornhole leage sometimes. (If they're ever that desperate)