Sunday, April 19, 2009

Originally, I wanted the previous post to look almost exactly like the one before it, but with the strikethroughs. I thought it would be funny. But after spending 20 minutes figuring out how to do the strikethrough on a Microsoft Works word processing application, I then discovered (as I should have already known) that when I pasted it onto the post the font just changed back and the strikethroughs disappeared. There may be a way to do strikethroughs on the blog, but if so I couldn't figure it out. Thus, I had to make the picture.

All in all, a fair amount of work for a lazy, rainy Sunday afternoon. I'm glad I didn't wait until tomorrow to post it because I might not have gotten it done until Tuesday or Wednesday.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Thanks for all that work on our behalf, and thanks for the kind wishes!