Monday, April 13, 2009

The day after my encounter with the German Shepherd, I shared the story with a couple of people at work. The consensus there was that- in that instance at least- I was a jerk. They didn't seem to understand my point of view at all.

I protested, but they definitely concluded that I hate dogs.

I tried to explain that I most definitely did not hate dogs, and that though I don't have one myself, I have in fact been known to quite enjoy petting dogs and playing fetch etc.
I just don't trust stray dogs. Especially big ones. And I didn't care for the guy who entrusted the retrieval of his nuisance 70 lb. dog to his 60 lb. daughter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoy your blogs. Your wit is amazing. To go from stray dogs to peeps is very entertaining.