Saturday, October 18, 2008


Ron let me come over and watch the game there tonight, but I left at halftime.

I really didn't want to watch that mess.

But I'm a diehard fan despite myself, so I had it on the radio, and I clicked onto the Kentuckysportsradio blog while listening. The blog had a link to watch the game on-line, so I watched. I guess Kentucky's offense is sort of like a guy with a hairlip- I don't want to see it, but I can't help but look.

So there I was, occupying the timeouts by posting a comment about how Kentucky has zero offense, how I can't see the team having a good chance against anybody when they simply can't score...

and they pull one out of a hat. Wow. I bet the 45 people I saw remaining in Commonwealth Stadium really enjoyed that.

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