Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I missed Make Tracks Day. I did, however, go hiking the previous weekend. I toted my camera around for the entire hike without remembering I had it, or maybe just without feeling any desire to take pictures.

Near the very end of the hike I noticed the camera-sized lump in my pocket and thought, "Hmmmm...I should take a few pictures so I have proof that I didn't spend my Sunday morning watching Star Trek and useless political pundits."

Then I read Mark's blog and again thought, "Hmmmm...(all my best thoughts start with 'hmmm,' and are usually accompanied by a pensive forefinger-on-chin pose) I should post a couple of those pictures."


Brian said...

Hey Mr. Detail.....where did you go hiking?

Mark said...

Brian, didn't you look at the photos? It was Tree Duck Park. You know, over around Louisville.