Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Matt Jones' description of U of L athletics

I get a kick out of Matt Jones every time I listen to his show. Here's an entry on his blog, Kentuckysportsradio.

Allow me to tell you about that kid you knew growing up. For security purposes, we’ll just call him Lil’ L. This was the friend who was really fat and un-athletic, donned a seemingly permanent Kool-Aid and/or Cheeto dust mustache, and probably had a fancy set of shocks on his Huffy that made him feel cool, when all the while you knew they were simply necessary add-ons to support the fatness. His breath stunk, his cankles made you laugh, his toys never worked, and his favorite team was the one that just won the championship. In school, he wasn’t officially classified “special ed” but his classes were still in that remote corner of the school you’d never ventured and he was monitored during recess. As youth segued into adolescence, he hit a growth spurt and Lil’L became UofL. He was thinned out and even found a touch of coordination. As it turned out, there was a heap of athleticism submerged in that gravy balloon. His off-road Huffy became a candy painted Jeep Wrangler with tinted plastic and brush guards, even though we all knew it would never actually leave asphalt. He discovered breath mints, Coolwater, L.A. Looks (#8), and The Insane Clown Posse. Suddenly, the fat kid with cankles and pit-stains became a conceited douche bag with a trashy-hot girlfriend (most weekends anyway) and a chip on his shoulder. So now all he wants to do is talk about how great he is, and all you want to do is tell him, “Remember when you were a fat-ass?” I guess what I’m trying to say is, UofL is Jared from Subway.

The link to his blog is on my link list.

1 comment:

Brian said...

I think the "gravy balloon" line is my favorite part.