Tuesday, July 8, 2008


My third post in 1/2 hour. It'll be a short one, since it's 10:55 and I plan on being in bed at 11:00.

My metro parks league team lost a tournament game last night, 9-8. We batted in the bottom of the seventh needing a run to tie and two to win, and went out with a whimper, three up, three down. I started the inning with a ground-out. So it was our own fault. If you can't get a single run when you need it in slo-pitch softball, you deserve to lose.

But at least my Mondays are free now.

The Yogis played two games tonight. We won 1 and lost 1. The loss ended a fairly long winning streak. 8 games, I'm guessing, but I'm not too sure.

I was 0 for 2 with a walk in the first game, which we won 18-6. Then I was 3 for 3 with a walk in the second game, which we lost 16-11.

I'm going to go glass-half-full and say that means I only get hits when we need them.

Oops, my time's up. Good night.

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