Thursday, July 31, 2008

Implicit Association Test

After hearing a discussion on (what else?) NPR today, I spent some time messing around with the Implicit Association Test. It's on my link list.

I took two tests. One apparently shows that I'm favorably disposed to Japan and have a mildly unfavorable opinion of China and India.

No idea why I don't care for those two countries. They've never done anything to me, personally, as far as I know. Sure, we're losing our jobs to them, but I don't believe I actually hold anyone in those countries responsible. They're just trying to make a living.

The 2nd test was for black vs white preferences. I scored as slightly preferring those of European descent to African-American, as did 16% of the other test-takers so far.

According to the stats, 27% strongly prefer European, and another 27% moderately prefer European.

I don't know what that reflects, but it was interesting and sort of fun, if you want to give it a shot.

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