Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dad's driving complaint reminded me that I've been very annoyed by other drivers lately.  It's interesting, because my level of  'road rage' has decreased dramatically over the years, and especially lately. 
I used to get quite angry with other drivers.  Furious, really.  But I've calmed down quite a lot behind the wheel. 
At the same time, though, I think I've actually become more aware of all the stupid things drivers do.   I think (though I'm not sure) that my own driving continues to improve.  Over the years I have become more patient, more cautious, more aware, and more courteous behind the wheel, but this has made me even more aware of when other drivers do not behave properly. 
I've also mellowed, though, so while I'm now ever more aware of how awfully everyone drives, it bothers me less, or at a lower level.
One thing continues to enrage me, however, and that's people who stick themselves into the middle of an intersection after the light from wherever they are turning from turns red.  Please, people, don't move through the intersection until you know you won't stick yourselves into the middle of oncoming traffic.
There.  That's all I have to say about that subject... until you are blocking me.  Then you'll hear more.

Next topic...
I don't go to movies very often.  Once every couple of years is about it.   But now I have a feeling that every time I sit in a theater I'll spend at least 30 or 40 seconds thinking 'wow, there really is no good way out of here if someone starts shooting.'
I know it's a very small thing in light of the incredible pain he caused  to the people of Aurora, CO., but really it's incredible how many people who will probably spend that half-minute of discomfort like I described while waiting for whatever crappy movie they are about to watch.
Thanks a lot, nut job.

Next topic...
My softball swing is finally coming around again.  I hit better the first six weeks of the season than I've ever hit before, then slumped badly.  But my last dozen at bats or so have been much better. 

When I was slumping I thought I wasn't waiting long enough on the pitches.  That wasn't the problem, though, so trying to correct that didn't fix anything.  Turns out it wasn't a matter of waiting long enough, it was where I was meeting the pitches.  I just need my weight behind me properly when I make contact.   I realized that before my last at bat last Wednesday, made the adjustment, and have about 7 or 8 hits on the dozen or so at bats since then.

Next (and last) topic...
We've stunk in the Tuesday night cornhole league.  I think we may be in last place, but I'm not sure. However, this week I stayed late and played in the $5 blind draw tournament and won, so that's a plus. 
I love these tournaments, in theory.  They start around 10:30, though, so I don't stay and play too often.  If I thought I'd win $40 or $50 with any frequency I'd stay all the time, but otherwise I'm just donating $5 to lose an hour or two of sleep..

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Reading update:  Nothing special.  I'll finish Sacre Bleu tomorrow, probably.  It's pretty good, but not worthy of a big recommendation.
 Slicky Boys is also pretty good, I'm about half-done with it.  Again, though, it's not so good that I'll tout it heavily.  I will, however, endorse the series in general. There are six or seven books featuring the same two main characters, and this is the third I've read.  They're all pretty good.
Next up is World Made By Hand ( I think.  I might be wrong even about the title), by someone whose name I can't recall.  It looks good, and I've been looking forward to reading it.  I've sort of been saving it.  After each of the last 3 or 4 books I've finished I've considered starting this one, but I have a suspicion it's one I'll practically inhale- that I will have some difficulty putting it down once I start it.
So I'll probably be disappointed by it since my expectations are so high. 

Apparently I'm an official 4-nights-per-week softball player now.  That seems like a lot, doesn't it? 

Most of the leagues are nearing the end, though.  Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday will all end late July or early August.  However, the Monday league has a long time left and we'll be starting Tuesday/Thursday soon after.  

I was already 3 nights per week officially, and subbing some on Fridays, including each of the last two weeks.  Then last night I was talking with the guy I play for on Fridays and he basically told me I was expected to show up every week until the end of the season.  I started to protest, then told him yeah, heck with it, I'll be there.   It's not like I'm doing anything else.

As to how softball is going, it's a mixed bag.
 My Sunday team started out great at 4 and 1,  suffered through a lousy losing streak, but won yesterday against a good team. 
  Mondays we also started great, but have lost two in a row. We played okay both losses, though, so not so bad.
 Wednesdays we've been terrible, with a few flashes of brilliance.

 And now that I'm enlisted permanently on Fridays I suppose I'll have to care about that team, too, but I have no idea what that team's record is.  Seems like a decent team.  I know I like the guys on the team, at least.   Yesterday, several of them stuck around after their own game to watch my Sunday team for one reason only- I was playing shortstop and they were waiting for a chance to razz me when I messed up.  I have to respect that.
But I never messed up, and in fact I ended the game with a nice back-handed play.  Kudos to me.