Sunday, May 20, 2012

1st new post in how long? I do not know. I didn't check the date, but that Freddie Mercury Google doodle was a long time ago. Anyway, in the intervening time a lot has happened. I left the primordial soup, developed fins, lost fins, developed firmer appendages, learned to walk erect, developed opposable thumbs, learned language, was inculcated with a (then) necessary belief in a diety, zoomed right through my stone age and bronze age and on to a personal industrial revolution, slowly shed my superstitions, and now here I am, a slightly overweight middle-aged man with a still-full head of hair who has not much exciting going on in his life. But the opposable thumbs rock!
Don't get too used to this. I don't really plan on posting very often. I like my life fine, but nothing particularly exciting happens very often. I feel silly just describing my day when my day is fairly boring. Also, while I like expressing my opinions on controversial issues, the number of people interested in that opinion is not particularly large. My cult of personality just never really took off, I guess.
In the months I've been away I've read lots of books. I don't even remember what all I've read, but several have been very good. I recommend The Ghosts of Belfast to everyone. Terrific book. I won't recommend any others at the moment. Others have been good, but that's the one that really sticks out for me. That one grabbed me and wouldn't let go.
Hmmm... what else...? Activities: nothing exciting for most of the past few months. Softball has started up again, and I'm playing well. I sometimes think it's about time to consider quitting, or at least slowing down, but I'm actuallly a better softball player now than I've ever been, so I'll ride that high tide for a while and see how far it takes me.
Oh, as to why I quit posting- initiallly, I was sans computer. As a man with no smart phone, I had no options. Computer A was on its last legs so I bought backup computer B. Computer B, though, suffered traumatic brain injury when it crashed to the ground from my night stand immediately after the Michigan/Notre Dame football game (not anger, just an accident). Shortly thereafter, computer A expired from mostly natural causes. I found myself off the grid and without funds to get back on. The several months that followed were enough to ween me from internet dependency. I found that I didn't miss posting, or Facebook, or email, or much of anything else other than the occassional episode of 30 Rock. So I intend to mostly keep it that way. If I ever join the 21st century and get a smart phone, I might post here and on Facebook more often. But until then both of those things will remain infrequent. .