I've recently read Thursday Next: First Among Sequels, the fourth installment of Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next series.
I'm not going to review it or anything. Sorry about that.
I wouldn't recommend it to everyone, but if you love literature, bizarre plots, silly humor, and fantastically original writers you might want to check it out. You can go to Jasperfforde.com and browse around the titles and some of the fun stuff, like the Seven Wonders of Swindon.
My personal favorite 'wonder' is the Lighthouse on Alexandra Road, "Constructed during the Great Global Warming Scare of 1832, this famous Swindon landmark is unique for being the only lighthouse in the world invisible from any navigable waterway."
Be sure to test your "Hamletness" while you're there. Just click on the link for Elsinore University of hamleting.
If you visit the site you may wonder about the Nursery Crimes Division. Sorry, I won't be able to help you out much. The only one I read was The Big Over Easy and I was a little disappointed. But not so much that I won't be willing to read another in the series if I find it at the library or a a used-book store.